Galaxy on Fire 2 for iPhone

Game description
Having catapulted to the future destroyed by the war, a well-known space traveler Keith Tee Maxwell learns that the galaxy is assigned to powerful aliens and cast into the abyss of disorders and dark plots. Make intergalactic travel together with Keith – you will be involved into new discoveries, wars with pirates, space battles, meetings with aliens and romantic love! This grasping and expanding travel in 3D in the galaxy emaciated by the war guarantees more than 10 hours of gameplay – thus at any time it is possible to go to interplanetary travel to drill asteroids, to sell ore and materials, to take part in mercenary mission, to buccaneer and to create new weapon and equipment. There is an epic new storyline with more than 10 hours of science-fiction gameplay, 8 new spaceships, a set of new weapon, powerups and different goods, new types of missions and gameplay modes, seven new star systems, new large fighting ships and structures (for example the battle cruisers Vossk and Mido Mining Plant), a new arcadian challenge “Supernova” with iOS6 support, 6 special vessels (are available only to owners of Kaamo Club), one retro vessel (the legendary Griffin from original GOF), possibility to change the statistics and abilities of your spaceships, the Kaamo map of a very important person of the Club (exclusive discounts for all Kaamo-offers), 4 types of new primary weapon, 9 new achievements.
- Splendid graphics on iPad 2 and iPhone 4S
- A huge galaxy with more than 20 solar systems and excellently reproduced planets
- 100 unique 3D-space stations and more than 30 customizable space ships
- The unique system of reputation and diplomacy
- Difficult system of trade of more than 170 goods of any kind
- High quality of visualization and music, a full voice postscoring, 3D sound
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