Infect Them All 2 : Zombies for iPhone

Game description
Infect Them All – alternative to all zombies games with interesting idea and not less successful realization. If you are an admirer of this genre, you surely have to experience what means to be in your enemy’s skin. Why do you need to exterminate, kill and to mock zombies if they are main characters? How is it possible not to sympathize these brainless creations which became an annoying error of destiny? Let's try to revenge people for all their acts. Freedom of zombies! Your task – to infect all people, more precisely to turn them into the same ruthless monsters as you are. But, as well as any being you need to eat. The correct diet - dangerous and unpredictable people who will try to destroy you. On your way there will be aggressive rivals, but zombies whom you make for yourselves will help you. There are some game modes: usual, survival and speed. Between levels it will be possible to upgrade your favorite character, increasing, for example, speed. Infect everything in this world with stronger zombies!
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